Translation Studies Unit 2 Linguistic Concepts DU/SOL/NCWEB/IGONU


Translation Studies

3rd & 4th Semester

        Unit - 2 Linguistic Concepts
by The Learners Community and Technology

What is linguistics:- linguistic is the scientific study of language.
Linguistic conduct formal studies of speech sound grammatical structure and meaning across all the world over 600 languages. They also investigate the history of and changes within language.

Subfields of linguistics:

Phonetics: it's a branch of linguistics that focuses on the production and classification of the world's speech sound. For example, the lips, tongue, and teeth, produce particular sounds.

Phonology: phonology is a branch of linguistics that studies how languages or dialogues systematically organized their sounds.
Morphology: the study of the internal structure of words and how they can be modified.

Syntax: this is the set of rules, principles end process that governs the structure of sentences in a given language coma as usually includes word order.
The study of the underlying structure of the sentence.

Semantics: the study of the meaning of words and how words combine to form the meaning of sentences.
Pragmatics: the study of the use of linguistic signs, what's and how sentences in an actual situation.

Discourse analysis: the analysis of the language used in the text.

Phonology: Form the Greek word Phone which means sound or voice is the branch of linguistics. That study is of the sound of human speech.
The organs of speech and their speech function can be described with reference to these systems.

1. The Respiratory System: The organs of speech of which the respiratory system is comprised are the lungs, the muscles of the chest, and the windpipe (also known as the trachea). The primary function of the lungs is to breathe or respire. The muscles of the chest expand and contract to let the airflow in and out. The function of the respiratory system is to let the air pass through the windpipe (trachea) towards the glottis so that it produces sounds.

The Phonatory System: The Phonatory System of human beings consists of the Larynx in the throat. When the air comes out of the lungs it is modified in the upper part of the trachea where the larynx is situated. The larynx is a muscular structure in the front part of the neck which is also known as the ‘Adam’s Apple.’ It contains a pair of muscular bands or folds which are called vocal cords which are placed horizontally from front to back.
When the air come it produced some sound.

we can primarily talk about three important kinds of sounds that are produced:
➢ Voiceless sounds
➢ Voiced Sounds
➢ Glottal stop

Voiceless sounds: When the vocal cords are spread apart, the air from the lungs passes between them unimpeded, the sounds produced are described as voiceless sounds. Examples are sounds in English – Sit, Sheet, Fever, Think.

Voiced Sounds: When the vocal cords are loosely held together, the air passes through it causing vibration in the vocal cords. The sounds created in this manner are called Voiced sounds. For example, the consonantal sounds in English such as veil, this, zoo, me, nose are all voiced sounds.

Glottal Stop: When the vocal cords are tightly held together so that no air can escape from it and then the vocal cords are suddenly drawn apart, an explosive sound is created which is known as a glottal stop. The sounds in English such as an aunt, end, apple are examples of the glottal stop. 

The Articulatory system: As the air that we breathe out passes through the vocal cords, it is modified further in different parts of the oral and nasal cavities to produce different sounds. The various articulators such as the pharynx, lips, teeth, teeth ridge, the hard palate, the soft palate, the uvula, the tongue take different positions to make different sounds. For example – The Pharynx, Lips, Teeth, Teeth Ridge, Hard Palate, Soft palate, Uvula, Tongue.

Vowel and consonantal sounds: in the English language there are 26 alphabets classified into vowels and consonants.
The letter A E I O U  is called vowel and the rest of the letters are called consonants.
Human beings make use of the pulmonic egressive air steam mechanism to reduce sound.
When the air can flow from the lungs to the lips and beyond without being stopped, which is produced with the help of the neck called vowel.

Consonants are the sound for whose production the air current is completely stopped or is forced tongue a narrow construction, which causes audible function.
Let us take the example of the word “Go”. We see that there are two sounds that are there in this word. The first sound is a Velar consonantal sound as in the pronunciation of it we are narrowing our oral tract – the active articulator, the back of the tongue articulates against the passive articulator, the soft palate. The second sound is a vowel sound where the oral tract is held open to let the air pass without interruption

Syllable: syllable is a segment of speech that consists of a vowel with or without one or more accompanying consonants sound.
a syllable is the sound of wool that is created when producing the letter AEIOU.
The number of times that you hear the sound of the vowel is the number of syllables in the word.
If the vowel is silent it is not conducted as a syllable.

The IPA is the major as well as the oldest organization for Phonoticicans. It was established in 1886 in Paris. The aim of IPA is to promote the scientific study of phonetics and the various practical application of the science,

Morphology: linguistics morphology is the study of words how they are formed and their relationship to other words in the same language.
It analysis the structure of a word and parts of a word such as stems, root words, prefix, and suffix.

English word forms such as open: opens, opener, opened, opening, responses consist of one element open and a number of other elements such as S,ER,ED,ING.

Morphology is a branch of the study of linguistics that deals with the basic units of language to study the way the sound or set of sounds.
Free Morphemes: the words can stand by themselves as single words. Open our center.

Bond Morphemes: those words that cannot normally stand alone and are typically attached to another form for example: re, ist, ed,s.

Word formation process

compounding: compound words are formed when two or more words are joined together to create a new word that has an entirely new meaning, for example, sun and flower are two different words, and when joined together to form new word sunflower.

Syntax: syntax is the part of linguistics that studies the structure and formation of sentences explains how words and phrases are organized to form the correct sentence. syntax point of view as long as words are in their appropriate spot and agree with each other.
Syntax occupied a central positive in this study of generative grammar, which is an abstract body of rules and principles that tells us how the words phrases, and sentences of a language are constructed.

Generative grammar theory was developed by Noam Chomsky.
Generative grammar consists of the following components:
1. Set of rules
2. Number of module and sub-theories obeyed by expression
3. Transformation rules
4. A logical for each expression

Language variety
language is not a small topic as you know that language is a big topic to study so it has variety which helps us to study language easily.
In the language, there is mainly variety according to the place people's situation, or purpose to speak.

Variety in language: 

Dialect: dialect comes from the Greek word "Dialektos" which means a variety of languages.

A Dialect is a form of language that is spoken in a particular part of a country or by a particular group of people. There are the main different dialects of English and they have different words and grammar.
In India, there are many dialects using speaking like maithili and Bhojpuri. 

Dialect is known as part of language, not language because:
1. They have no standards are confirmed form.
2. It is not used to speak in the whole state.
3. It is not used outside of the particular place.

Standard language: standard language is a language variety that has undergone sub situational codification of grammar and usage is employed by the population for public communication.

The process of standardization: 
1. Select a language from the available language
2. Codify choose a language by writing speaking grammar etc.
3. Use the language in formal public domains
4. Acceptance of language through the community.

Idiolect:  An Idiolect is a dialect of an individual person at a time. This term implies an awareness that no two people speak in exactly the same way that each person's dialect is constantly undergoing change: for example - the introduction of newly acquired words.

Register: the register is defined as the way speakers use language in different situations. You behave very differently with your friend, family, at job or boss.

Resistors are used in all forms of communication including written, spoken and signed.

Style: code-mixing and code-switching.

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